The popularity of renewable energy is continually on the rise, a trend that is especially true for solar energy via solar panels. In March 2019, the newsprint “La Presse” reported that the number of people who own solar panels has risen significantly on each and every year since 2015, both in Quebec and around the world. This increase in popularity can be attributed in part, to the availability of more efficient solar panels and falling prices.l’amélioration de l’efficacité des panneaux solaires et la baisse des prix.
Solar panels need to be installed by a specialist. Some installers may opt to have the panels installed directly on the roof of a house; however, this is not always the best choice. In many cases, the panels are installed on the ground, requiring a solid anchoring system that will be designed to withstand wind and inclement weather.
Thanks to its team of experienced engineers GoliathTech is constantly innovating and developing new anchoring solutions. In light of the growing interest in renewable energy and solar panels, GoliathTech has developed screw piles that are specifically designed to hold solar panels. These screw piles are durable and resistant, helping you gain the most out of your initial investment. This solid anchoring foundation system provides the solar panels with optimal support and excellent stability and durability.
No matter the location or soil type, there is always a solution for installing GoliathTech screw piles.
Want to install several solar panels on a large, flat plot? No problem! We will build you a solid anchoring system that will be custom designed by an engineer, so you’ll have no doubts regarding the quality of our work.
Do you have limited space and want a smaller installation? With our small, lightweight installation equipment, there is no cause for concern—we can squeeze into just about any space to install the screw piles.
Are you on a shoreline with soft, swampy ground? Our screw piles are perfectly suited to your situation as they are adapted to be installed on all soil types.

GoliathTech screw piles are installed within only a few hours, as opposed to concrete supports which take days or even weeks to dry and harden. Concrete supports must also be protected from inclement weather. We’ll come and install the screw piles whenever it’s most convenient for you, regardless of the weather! Our anchoring system can therefore be installed at a time and day of your convenience, irrespective of weather conditions.
Before entrusting a business with designing and installing your screw piles, you must absolutely ensure that the product and the installer are certified.
All GoliathTech screw piles are designed by engineers, therefore the screw piles fully comply with uplift resistance and lateral resistance standards and requirements.
The piles are also:
- ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 Certified
- ICC-ES ESR-3726 Certified
- CWB/AWS D1.1 Certified
- CCMC #13675-R Certified
- ACQ and CA Compliant
About GoliathTech
Do you work in the field of construction? For over 15 years, GoliathTech has integrated both strength and know-how to offer the best anchoring solution to support your residential and commercial projects. Our top-of-the-line helical screw piles are suited for any type of installation or application. Our installation service adapts to every soil type and does not damage the ground or any structures. Trust the experience and expertise of GoliathTech for your construction projects. Find a screw pile installer in your region or become a franchisee.hisé.
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