GoliathTech Your Helical (Screw) Pile Installer - New Glasgow
GoliathTech New Glasgow - Nova Helical Piles Ltd
1072 Granton Abercrombie Rd New Glasgow, Nova Scotia B2H 5C6
Helical (Screw) Piles: The Best and Most Long-lasting Foundation System Available Today For Decks, Foundations and More!
GoliathTech New Glasgow is your certified screw pile installer for the cities of Colchester, East Hants, Antigonish, West Hants, Truro, New Glasgow, Windsor, Guysborough, Stellarton, Westville, and more. Discover additional cities we serve below
Helical (screw) piles, also called helical piles or screw piles, can be used for foundations such as decks or other light structures. They can often be installed in less than four hours, will cause minimal to no damage to your landscape, and will remain level over time, resisting sinking or shifting due to soil movement.
View more applications that are perfect for helical (screw) pile foundations!
Contact us for your deck, foundation, or any residential, commercial or municipal project so you can rest assured your helical (screw) pile foundation will be durable and stable.
Cities served by your installer
- New Glasgow
- Colchester
- East Hants
- Truro
- West Hants
- Windsor
- Guysborough
- Stellarton
- Westville
- Antigonish
- Abercrombie
- Addington Forks
- Admiral Rock
- Afton Station
- Alder River
- Alma
- Alton
- Anderson Mountain
- Antigonish
- Antigonish Harbour
- Antigonish Landing
- Antrim
- Archibalds Mill
- Ardness
- Ardoise
- Argyle
- Arisaig
- Ashdale
- Aspen
- Aulds Cove
- Avondale
- Avondale Station
- Back Settlement
- Baileys Brook
- Balfron
- Ballantynes Cove
- Balmoral Mills
- Barkhouse Settlement
- Barneys Brook
- Barr Settlement
- Barrios Beach
- Bay View
- Bayfield
- Bayfield Road
- Beauly
- Beaver Brook
- Beaver Dam
- Beaver Harbour
- Beaver Meadow
- Beech Hill
- Belmont
- Belnan
- Berichan
- Bible Hill
- Bickerton West
- Big Marsh
- Bigney
- Birch Hill
- Black Avon
- Black Point
- Black River
- Black Rock
- Blanchard Road
- Blue Mountain
- Bolyston
- Braeshore
- Bramber
- Brentwood
- Bridgeville
- Briely Brook
- Briely Brook Back Road
- Broadway
- Brookfield
- Brookland
- Brooklyn
- Brookside
- Brookvale
- Brookville
- Brophy
- Brownsville
- Brule
- Brule Corner
- Brule Point
- Brule Shore
- Burnside
- Burntcoat
- Burtons
- Caledonia
- Caledonia Mills
- Cambridge
- Camden
- Cameron Lake
- Cameron Settlement
- Canso
- Cape George
- Cape George Point
- Cape Jack
- Cape John
- Caribou
- Caribou Mines
- Caribou River
- Carrolls Corner
- Central Caribou
- Central New Annan
- Central New Glasgow
- Central North River
- Central Onslow
- Central West River
- Centre Burlington
- Centre Musquodoboit
- Centre Rawdon
- Centredale
- Chance Harbour
- Chaplin
- Charlos Cove
- Chaswood
- Chattan Park
- Cheese Factory Corner
- Cheverie
- Churchville
- Clam Bay
- Clam Harbour
- Clarksville
- Clifton
- Cloverdale
- Cloverville
- Clydesdale
- Coalburn
- Cogmagun River
- Coldstream
- Cole Harbour
- College Grant
- College Lake
- Concord
- Concord Settlement
- Cooks Brook
- Cooks Cove
- Copper Lake
- Coromonie
- Country Harbour Mines
- Country Harbour Lake
- Creelmans Crossing
- Croft
- Cross Roads
- Cross Roads Country Harbour
- Cross Roads Ohio
- Crowes Mills
- Crows Nest
- Dagger Woods
- Dalhousie Settlement
- Dean
- DeBaies Cove
- Debert
- Denmark
- Densmores Mills
- Denver
- Devon
- Diamond
- Doctors Brook
- Doddridge
- Dorts Cove
- Dover
- Drum head
- Dufferin
- Dunmore
- Dunns Corner
- Durells Island
- Durham
- Dutch Settlement
- Earltown
- East Branch River John
- East Chezzetcook
- East Earltown
- East Folly Mountain
- East Gore
- East Havre Boucher
- East Jeddore
- East Loon Lake Village
- East Milford
- East Mountain
- East New Annan
- East New Glasgow
- East Noel
- East Petpeswick
- East River Saint Marys
- East River Saint Marys West Side
- East River Sheet Harbour
- East Roman Valley
- East Ship Harbour
- East Stewiacke
- East Tracadie
- East Uniacke
- East Village
- East Walton
- Eastville
- Ecum Secum
- Ecum Secum West
- Eden Lake
- Egerton
- Eight Island Lake
- Elderbank
- Elgin
- Ellershouse
- Elmfield
- Elmside
- Elmsvale
- Erinville
- Eureka
- Fairmount
- Fern Hill
- Fishermans Harbour
- Fishers Mills
- Fitzpatrick
- Fitzpatricks Mountain
- Five Mile Plains
- Five Mile River
- Fleet Settlement
- Folly Lake
- Folly Lake Station
- Forest Glen
- Forest Hill
- Fort Ellis
- Four Mile Brook
- Fox Island Main
- Frankville
- Fraser Settlement
- Frasers Grant
- Frasers Mills
- Frasers Mountain
- French River
- Frenchmans Road
- Gaetz Brook
- Garden of Eden
- Garlands Crossing
- Gays River
- Georgefield
- Georgeville
- Giants Lake
- Glassburn
- Glen Alpine
- Glen Bard
- Glen Road
- Glencoe
- Glenelg
- Glengarry Station
- Glenholme
- Glenkeen
- Glenmore
- Glenroy
- Goldboro
- Goldenville
- Gordon Summit
- Gore
- Gormanville
- Goshen
- Governor Lake
- Graham Hill
- Grant Valley
- Granton
- Great Village
- Green Creek
- Green Oaks
- Greenfield
- Greenhill
- Greens Brook
- Greens Point
- Greenvale
- Greenwood
- Greenworld
- Grosvenor
- Guysborough
- Guysborough Intervale
- Gypsum Mines
- Hadleyville
- Half Island Cove
- Halfway Brook
- Harbour Centre
- Hardwood Hill
- Hardwood Lands
- Harmony
- Harmony Road
- Harpellville
- Harrigan Cove
- Hartlin Settlement
- Hartville
- Havendale
- Havre Boucher
- Hazel Glen
- Hazel Hill
- Head of Jeddore
- Head of New Glasgow
- Heathbell
- Heatherton
- Higginsville
- Highland Village
- Hilden
- Hillcrest
- Hillside
- Hillsvale
- Hodson
- Holland Harbour
- Hoppenderry
- Indian Harbour Lake
- Ireland
- Iron Rock
- Isaacs Harbour
- Isaacs Harbour North
- Island East River
- Jacket Lake
- James River
- James Settlement
- Jeddore Oyster Ponds
- Jimtown
- Jordanville
- Kavanaugh Mills
- Keble
- Kempt Shore
- Kemptown
- Kennetcook
- Kenzieville
- Kerrogare
- Kirkmount
- Knoydart
- Laggan
- Lake Egmont
- Lake Road
- Lakelands
- Lakevale
- Lanark
- Lanesville
- Lansberg Siding
- Lansdown
- Lantz
- Larrys River
- Latties Brook
- Lentz
- Lesterdale
- Limerock
- Linacy
- Lincolnville
- Lindsay
- Lindsay Lake
- Linwood
- Liscomb
- Liscomb Mills
- Liscomb Sanctuary
- Lismore
- Little Dover
- Little Dyke
- Little Egypt Road
- Little Harbour
- Little Harbour Road
- Little Liscomb
- Livingstone Cove
- Loch Broom
- Loch Katrine
- Lochaber
- Lochaber Mines
- Loch Katrine
- Logan Subdivision
- Loganville
- Londonderry
- Londonderry Station
- Long Lake
- Lorne
- Lornevale
- Louisville
- Lourdes
- Lovat
- Lower Burlington
- Lower Caledonia
- Lower Debert
- Lower East Chezzetcook
- Lower Glencoe
- Lower Harmony
- Lower Meaghers Grant
- Lower Mount Thom
- Lower Nine Mile River
- Lower New Glasgow
- Lower Onslow
- Lower Pleasant Valley
- Lower Selma
- Lower Ship Harbour
- Lower South River
- Lower Springfield
- Lower Truro
- Lower West Jeddore
- Lower West River
- Lower Whitehead
- Lundy
- Lyons Brook
- MacKay Siding
- MacKays Corner
- MacPhees Corner
- MacPherson Lake
- Maitland
- Malay Falls
- Malignant Cove
- Manassette Lake
- Manchester
- Manganese
- Mantula
- Maple Grove
- Marie Joseph
- Marinette
- Marsh
- Marshalls Crossing
- Marshdale
- Marshville
- Marshy Hope
- Marydale
- Maryvale
- Masstown
- Mattie Settlement
- McArras Brook
- McCallum Settlement
- McClures Mills
- McGraths Mountain
- McKay Station
- McLellans Brook
- McLellans Mountain
- McPhersons Mills
- Meadow Green
- Meadow Springs
- Meadowvale
- Meadowville
- Meaghers Grant
- Melrose
- Melville
- Merigomish
- Merland
- Micmac
- Middle Barneys River
- Middle Country Harbour
- Middle Manchester
- Middle Melford
- Middle Stewiacke
- Middleton
- Middleton Corner
- Milford
- Milford Haven
- Milford Station
- Mill Lake
- Mill Village
- Millbrook
- Miller Creek
- Millers Corner
- Millstream
- Millsville
- Minasville
- Mitchell Bay
- Monastery
- Monks Head
- Monte Vista
- Moose Brook
- Moose River
- Moose River Gold Mines
- Moosehead
- Mooseland
- Morar
- Morristown
- Moser River
- Mosherville
- Mountain Road
- Mountville
- Mt Thom
- Mt Uniacke Gold District
- Mt William
- Mulgrave
- Murchyville
- Murphy Cove
- Murray Siding
- Mushaboom
- Musquodoboit Harbour
- Myers Point
- Necum Teuch
- New Chester
- New France
- New Gairloch
- New Glasgow
- New Harbour
- New Harbour West
- New Lairg
- New Truro Road
- Newcomb Corner
- Newport
- Newport Corner
- Newport Landing
- Newport Station
- Newton
- Newton Mills
- Nine Mile River
- Noel
- Noel North Road
- Noel Road
- Noel Shore
- North Bloomfield
- North Earltown
- North Grant
- North Intervale
- North Lakevale
- North Lochaber
- North New Glasgow
- North Ogden
- North River
- North Riverside
- North Salem
- Northfield
- Nuttby
- Ogden
- Ohio
- Old Barns
- Old New Glasgow
- Oldham
- Oliver
- Onslow
- Onslow Mountain
- Ostrea Lake
- Otter Brook
- Owls Head
- Owls Head Harbour
- Oxford Junction
- Oyster Pond
- Pace Settlement
- Peas Brook
- Pembroke
- Philips Harbour
- Pictou
- Pictou Landing
- Piedmont
- Pine Grove
- Pine Tree
- Pinevale
- Pirate Harbour
- Pitchers Farm
- Pleasant Harbour
- Pleasant Point
- Pleasant Valley
- Plymouth
- Plymouth Park
- Polsons Brook
- Pomquet
- Pomquet Forks
- Pomquet Station
- Ponds
- Popes Harbour
- Poplar Grove
- Poplar Hill
- Port Bickerton
- Port Dufferin
- Port Felix
- Port Felix East
- Port Hilford
- Port New Glasgow
- Port Shoreham
- Portapique
- Priestville
- Princeport
- Princeport Road
- Purlbrook
- Queensport
- Ramseys
- Rawdon Gold Mines
- Rear Monastery
- Renfrew
- Rines Creek
- River John
- River Lake
- Riversdale
- Riverside
- Riverside Corner
- Riverton
- Riverton Heights
- Roachvale
- Rockfield
- Rocklin
- Rocky Mountain
- Rogers Hill
- Rogers Hill Cross Roads
- Roman Valley
- Roseland
- Roulston Corner
- Saint Andrews
- Saint Croix
- Saint Francis Harbour
- Saint Joseph
- Saint Marys River
- Saint Pauls
- Salmon River
- Salmon River Bridge
- Salmon River Lake
- Salt Springs
- Sand Point
- Scotch Hill
- Scotch Village
- Scotsburn
- Scrabble Hill
- Seafoam
- Selma
- Sheepherders Junction
- Sheet Harbour Package
- Sheet Harbour Road
- Sherbrooke
- Ship Harbour
- Shortts Lake
- Shubenacadie
- Shundenacadie East
- Six Mile Brook
- Smith Cove
- Smith Settlement
- Smithfield
- Sober Island
- Sonora
- South Branch
- South Lochaber
- South Maitland
- South Merland
- South New Glasgow
- South Rawdon
- South River Lake
- South River Road
- South River Station
- South Salt Springs
- South Section
- Southside Antigonish Harbour
- Southwest Cove
- Spanish Ship Bay
- Springville
- Spry Bay
- Spry Harbour
- Stanley
- Steep Creek
- Stellarton
- Stewiacke
- Stillman
- Stillwater
- Stirling Brook
- Stormont
- Summerside
- Summersville
- Sundridge
- Sunnybrae
- Sunnyville
- Sutherlands River
- Sweets Corner
- Sylvester
- Tangier
- Tatamagouche
- Tatamagouche Mountain
- Taylors Head
- Taylors Road
- Telford
- Ten Mile Lake
- Tennycape
- Terrace Heights
- The Falls
- The Meadows
- Third Lake
- Thorburn
- Three Mile Plains
- Tittle Road
- Toney Mills
- Toney River
- Tor Bay
- Tracadie
- Tracadie Road
- Trafalgar
- Trenton
- Truro
- Truro Heights
- Union
- Union Centre
- Union Corner
- Upper Afton
- Upper Barneys River
- Upper Big Tracadie
- Upper Brookfield
- Upper Brookside
- Upper Burlington
- Upper Burnside
- Upper Fox Island
- Upper Kemptown
- Upper Kennetcook
- Upper Mt Thom
- Upper Musquodoboit
- Upper New Harbour
- Upper Nine Mile River
- Upper North River
- Upper Onslow
- Upper Pomquet
- Upper Rawdon
- Upper Smithfield
- Upper South River
- Upper Springfield
- Upper Stewiacke
- Urbania
- Valley
- Valley Cross Roads
- Valley Station
- Walton
- Warwick Mountain
- Waternish
- Waterside
- Watervale
- Watt Section
- Websters Corner
- Welsford
- Wentworth Creek
- West Arm Tracadie
- West Branch River John
- West Cooks Cove
- West Earltown
- West East River
- West Erinville
- West Gore
- West Indian Road
- West Intervale
- West Jeddore
- West Lakevale
- West Linwood
- West Liscomb
- West Lochaber
- West Loon Lake
- West New Annan
- West Petpeswick
- West Quoddy
- West River
- West River Station
- West Roachvale
- West Sheet Harbour
- West St. Andrews
- Westerly
- Westville Road
- White Hill
- White Settlement
- Williams Point
- Wilsons Cove
- Windsor
- Wine Harbour
- Wittenburg
- Woodburn
- Woodfield
- Woodville
What can helical (screw) piles be used for?
Helical piles are an anchoring solution capable of supporting the heaviest loads, and can be installed in all types of soils no matter what the environmental challenges.
Our products are designed to solidly support residential, commercial, industrial, and municipal projects.
What are the GoliathTech advantages?
Minimal impact to the landscape
Start building immediately after installation
Perfectly level structure
Year-round installation
No excavation
Removable and reusable
A helical (screw) pile installation: quick and easy!
While construction projects usually leave you tired, frustrated, and counting down the days, with GoliathTech’s help, you’ll find yourself at ease. The expertise of our certified installers, combined with the cutting-edge technology used by our team, allows us to gather and then calculate all the information that we need for the project’s success; and ultimately, to leave you with a project that you’ve only imagined in your dreams.
Steps 2 and 3 is where the helical pile installation occurs
Types of applications: a helical (screw) pile foundation for incomparable anchorage
From deck to home foundations, our helical pile system is the best foundation solution for you.
No matter what your project is…
GoliathTech helical (screw) piles are ready
In order to provide you with a screw pile foundation solution that’s designed to meet your needs and specific project, our network of certified installers and consultants make the most of their vast expertise in the field. Recognized for their know-how, they conform helical piles to meet the unique nature of your property and project, rather than offering you a solution... cast in concrete!