GoliathTech Your Helical Pier Installer - Central Maine

Helical Piers: The Best and Most Long-lasting Foundation System Available Today For Decks, Foundations and More!
GoliathTech Central Maine is your certified helical pier (pile) installer for the cities of Portland, Bangor, South Portland, Scarborough, Saco, Westbrook, Augusta, Brunswick, Waterville, Orono, and more. Discover additional cities we serve below
Helical piers, also called helical piles or screw piles, can be used for foundations such as decks or other light structures. They can often be installed in less than four hours, will cause minimal to no damage to your landscape, and will remain level over time, resisting sinking or shifting due to soil movement.
View more applications that are perfect for helical pier foundations!
Contact us for your deck, foundation, or any residential, commercial or municipal project so you can rest assured your helical pier foundation will be durable and stable.
Cities served by your installer
- Central Maine
- Portland
- Bangor
- South Portland
- Scarborough
- Saco
- Westbrook
- Augusta
- Brunswick
- Waterville
- Orono
- Brewer
- Old Orchard Beach
- Bath
- Ellsworth
- Old Town
- Falmouth
- Gorham
- Rockland
- Belfast
- Buxton
- Skowhegan
- Topsham
- Yarmouth
- Gardiner
- North Windham
- Winslow
- Jay
- Dover Foxcroft
- Hampden
- Lisbon Falls
- Farmington
- New Gloucester
- Camden
- Hermon
- Orrington
- Bucksport
- Pittsfield
- Cumberland Center
- Oakland
- Bar Harbor
- Winthrop
- Fairfield
- Madison
- Chelsea
- Pittston
- Hallowell
- North Yarmouth
- Milford
- Dexter
- Wilton
- Southwest Harbor
- Eddington
- Farmingdale
- Windsor
- Thomaston
- Newport
- Richmond
- Randolph
- Little Falls-South Windham
- Leeds
- Veazie
- Freeport
- Damariscotta-Newcastle
- Falmouth Foreside
- Livermore Falls
- Hampden Highlands
- Jonesport
- Machias
- Norridgewock
- Clinton
- South Windham
- Winterport
- Tremont
- Chisholm
- Lisbon
- Steep Falls
- Northport
- Sabattus
- Waldoboro
- Wiscasset
- Machiasport
- Damariscotta
- Bradford
- Rockport
- Appleton
- Castine
- Trenton
- Boothbay Harbor
- Cornville
- Cumberland Foreside
- Gray
- Dixfield
- Searsport
- Corinna
- East Hampden
- Blue Hill
- Montsweag
- Central Maine
- Vinalhaven
- West Scarborough
- Winter Harbor
- North Vassalboro
- Little Falls
- Guilford
- Kingfield
- West Cumberland
- Hartland
- Alton
- Bowdoinham
- Philips
- Central Maine
- Pine Point
- Rangeley
- Stonington
- Strong
- Bingham
- Anson
- Bremen
- Westport
- Embden
- Newcastle
- Bailey Island
- Northeast Harbor
- Southport
- Waldo
- Bradley
- Lisbon Corner
- Blue Point
- Friendship
- Manchester
- North Anson
- Sebago Lake
- Central Maine
- South Bristol
- Mercer
- Jonesboro
- Alna
- Standish
- Avon
- Sebec
- Monmouth
- Sangerville
- Woolwich
- Millbridge
- North Orrington
- Verona
- Cooks Corner
- Dryden
- Moody
- Orrs Island
- Port Clyde
- Raymond
- Union
- West Boothbay Harbor
- Arrowsic
- Cousins Island
- Marshfield
- Carthage
- Somerville
- Unity
- Benton Station
- Boothbay
- Carmel
- New Harbor
- South Freeport
- Columbia
- Beals
- Jackson
- Central Maine
- North Penobscot
- Bass Harbor
- Chebeague Island
- East Boothbay
- East Corinth
- East Machias
- East Orrington
- Hancock
- North Monmouth
- Readfield
- Stratton
- Warren
- West Buxton
- China
- Kenduskeag
- Otis
- Belgrade Lakes
- Brooks
- East Wilton
- North Haven
- Owls Head
- Solon
- Tenants Harbor
- West Farmington
- Swans Island
- Carrabassett Valley
- Canaan
- Cherryfield
- Corea
- Deer Isle
- Dry Mills
- East Madison
- East Sebago
- East Vassalboro
- Farmington Falls
- Glen Cove
- Harrington
- Central Maine
- Hiram
- Prospect Harbor
- Round Pond
- Seal harbor
- South China
- South Hiram
- South Orrington
- South Thomaston
- Stockton Springs
- Upper Gloucester
- West Rockport
- Sorrento
- Litchfield
- Shawmut
- Mariaville
- Addison
- Bar Mills
- Bristol
- Columbia Falls
- Coopers Mills
- East Baldwin Mattocks Station
- East Eddington
- East Winthrop
- Five Islands
- Harmony
- Jefferson
- New Sharon
- North New Portland
- Otter Creek
- Rome
- Salsbury Cove
- St. George
- West Durham
- Windham Center
- Athens
- Charleston
- Cutler
- Hollis Center
- Orland
- South Harpswell
- Surry
- Hinckley
- Lincolnville
- Argyle
- Long Island
- Albion
- Belgrade
- Brooklin
- Burnham
- Clark Island
- Damariscotta Mills
- East Hiram
- East Holden
- Gouldsboro
- Higgins Beach
- Hulls Cove
- Kents Hill
- Levant
- Limington
- Manset
- New Portland
- New Vineyard
- Newburgh
- North Jay
- North Sebago
- North Sullivan
- Olamon
- Oquossoc
- Plymouth
- Sebasco Estates
- Smithfield
- Spruce head
- Temple
- Vassalboro
- Washington
- Wayne
- Weld
- West Southport
- West Tremont
- Cranberry Isles
- Bernard
- Greenbush
- Sebasco
- Allens Mills
- Detroit
- Litchfield Corners
- North Gorham
- North Waldoboro
- Searsmont
- South Union
- St. Albans
- Sullivan
- Willimantic
- Pejepscot
- Dallas
- Whites Corner
- Birch Harbor
- Clifton
- Cundys Harbor
- East Blue Hill
- East Sullivan
- Fairbanks
- Fletchers Landing
- Frankfort
- Franklin
- Hall Quarry
- Haven
- Hermon Center
- Jacksonville
- Liberty
- Mount Vernon
- Newhall
- Palmyra
- Richville
- Salmon Falls
- Sedgwick
- Shirley Mills
- South Addison
- South Blue Hill
- South Gouldsboro
- South Hope
- Sunset
- Town Hill
- West Baldwin
- Whitneyville
- Windham Hill
- Cyrs
- Steuben
- Littlejohn Island
- West Harpswell
- Medomak
- Nobleboro
- Ripley
- West Waldoboro
- Cardville
- Cosigan
- Etna
- Fairfield Center
- Garland
- Central Maine
- Georgetown
- Groveville
- Hope
- Islesboro
- Lawry
- Little Deer Lake
- Newagen
- Pemaquid beach
- Rockville
- Sandy Point
- Sheepscot
- Tacoma
- Thorndike
- West Leeds
- Bucks harbor
- East Dixfield
- Monroe
- Northern Maine Junction
- South Penobscot
- Starks
- Stetson
- West Sullivan
- Brooksville
- Amherst
- Back Narrows
- Benton
- Blue Hill Falls
- Buxton Center
- Cambridge
- Center Vassalboro
- Chesterville
- Dark Harbor
- Dresden
- East Newport
- East Raymond
- Eastbrook
- Edgecomb
- Fayette
- Freedom
- Harborside
- Holden
- Indian River
- Kalers Corner
- Morrill
- Moscow
- Mount Pisgah
- North Edgecomb
- North Raymond
- North Searsport
- North Whitefield
- Parker Head
- Penobscot
- Phippsburg
- Pigeon Hill
- Porter Landing
- Prospect
- Seal Cove
- Seawall
- Sidney
- South Limington
- Sunshine
- Swanville
- Trevett
- West Athens
- West Brooksville
- West Gouldsboro
- West Mills
- Whitefield
- Whiting
- Winslow Mills
- Caratunk
- Webster
- Brighton
- Atlantic
- Clarks Mills
- Ducktrap
- East Pittson
- Hudson
- Palermo
- Riverside
- Winnecock
- Monhegan
- Aurora
- Dixmont
- East Orland
- Lincolnville Center
- Linekin
- Madrid
- South Orland
- Unionville
- Alna center
- Chamberlain
- Dedham
- East Dover
- East Livermore
- East Union
- Eden
- Exter
- Islesford
- Leeds Junction
- Mast Landing
- North Pownal
- Parkman
- Pemaquid Harbor
- Pownal Center
- Roque Bluffs
- Bowerbank
- Benton Falls
- Bradford Center
- East Dixmont
- Bowdoin Center
- Fosters Corner
- South Monmouth
- Wyman
- Sandy River
- Berry Mills
- East Friendship
- East New Portland
- Lamoine Beach
- Mainstream
- North Brooksville
- North Chesterville
- North Hermon
- Sargentville
- South Montville
- Stickney Corner
- West Mount Vernon
- Winnegance
- Great Pond
- Vienna
- Central Maine
- Ashville
- Burkettville
- Center Montville
- Cushing
- Douglas Hill
- East Lamoine
- Ellingwood Corner
- Greenfield
- Head Tide
- Lakewood
- Marlboro
- Matinicus
- Muscongus
- North Bradford
- Northfield
- Oceanville
- Pownal
- Salem
- South Deer Island
- South Windsor
- Starboard
- Troy
- Walpole
- Wesley
- West Gorham
- West Stonington
- Isle Au Haut
- Dixmont Center
- Wellington
- Frenchboro
- Beddington
- Popham Beach
- Waltham
- Centerville
- Hancock Point
- Harmon Beach
- Robinhood
- Tallwood
- Wales Corner
- West Georgetown
- Gould Landing
- Merepoint
- Naskeag
- Prouts Neck
- Belmont Corner
- Pulpit Harbor
- Sandy Beach
- Wards Cove
- Deblois
- Lake City
- North Leeds
- Pleasant Pond
- Onawa
- Central Maine
- Small Point
- Sebec Lake
- Ashdale
- Atkinson Mills
- Baker Corner
- Basin Mills
- Batchelders Crossing
- Bay Point
- Bayside
- Bayville
- Beans Corner
- Blackstrap
- Blake Corner
- Bodfish
- Bonny eagle
- Boothbay Park
- Broad Cove
- Brown Corner
- Browns Corner
- Bunganuc Landing
- Bustins Island
- Camp Ellis
- Cape Cottage
- Cape Rosier
- Carrabassett
- Cash Corner
- Cathance
- Cedar Groves
- Chicopee
- City Point
- Cliff Island
- Convene
- Corinna Center
- Criehaven
- Crockett Corner
- Crossman Center
- Cumberland Center Station
- Cumberland Mills
- Curtis Corner
- Cushing Island
- Damascus
- Deering
- Deering Junction
- Delano Park
- Dixfield Center
- Dog Corner
- Dog Island Corner
- Dogtown
- Dorman
- Dover South Mills
- Drake Corner
- Dresden Mills
- Dunns Corners
- Durgintown
- East Benton
- East Deering
- East Edgecomb
- East End
- East Exeter
- East Franklin
- East Gray
- East Harpswell
- East Knox
- East Limington
- East Monmouth
- East Northport
- East Palermo
- East Surry
- East Thorndike
- East Troy
- East Warren
- Eggemoggin
- Elizabeth Park
- Ellsworth Falls
- Elmore
- Etna Center
- Exeter Center
- Exeter Corners
- Exeter Mills
- Farwells Corner
- Fayette Corner
- Ferry Beach
- Gerrishville
- Glantz Corner
- Glendon
- Glenmere
- Grand Beach
- Granite Hill
- Greens Corner
- Halldale
- Harding
- Harpswell Corner
- Hayford Corner
- Higginsville
- Highland Lake
- Hillside
- Holmes Mill
- Hoyttown
- Hutchins Corner
- indian Point
- Intervale
- Keenes Corner
- Kendalls Corner
- Kinney Shores
- Knightville
- Knox Center
- Knox Corner
- Lamoine Corner
- Larone
- Larrabee
- Libby Hill
- Lincoln Mills
- Litchfield Plain
- Long Beach
- Lucerne-in-Maine
- Marrtown
- Marshville
- Martin
- Martinsville
- Central Maine
- McFarlands Corner
- Melvin Heights
- Milliken Mills
- Monroe Center
- Nequasset
- North Augusta
- North Baldwin
- North Bangor
- North Bath
- North Belgrade
- North Brooklin
- North Castine
- North Cutler
- North Deering
- North Ellsworth
- North Fairfield
- North Falmouth
- North Gray
- North Guilford
- North Harpswell
- North Islesboro
- North Lamoine
- North Limington
- North Monroe
- North Newcastle
- North Orland
- North Palermo
- North Scarborough
- North Searsmont
- North Sedgwick
- North Wayne
- North Windsor
- Norumbega
- Oak Hill
- Ocean Park
- Ocean Point
- Orffs Corner
- Orrington Center
- Peaks Island
- Pelton Hill
- Pemaquid Point
- Pine Cliff
- Pine Park
- Pleasant Hill
- Pleasantdale
- Pond Cove
- Poors Mill
- Prides Corner
- Prospect Ferry
- Purgatory
- Razorville
- Reach
- Reeds
- Richmond Hill
- Riley
- Riverton
- Central Maine
- Robinson Corner
- Robyville
- Rosemont
- Sanderson Corners
- Sandhill Corner
- Sebec Corners
- Shaker Village
- Shaw Mills
- Shermans Corner
- Simonton Corners
- Simpsons Corner
- Slab City
- Small Point Beach
- Smithville
- Somesville
- South Brewer
- South Brooksville
- South Buxton
- South Corinth
- South Dover
- South Dresden
- South Durham
- South Exeter
- South Gardiner
- South Gorham
- South Gray
- South Hancock
- South Hollis
- South Jefferson
- South Levant
- South Liberty
- South Newcastle
- South Rangeley
- South Surry
- South Waldoboro
- South Warren
- South West Bend
- Spears Corner
- Stanwood Park
- Stillwater
- Stover Corner
- Stricklands
- Stroudwater
- Summerhaven
- Sunset Park
- Surfside
- Central Maine
- Tainter Corner
- Temple heights
- Thornton heights
- Todds Corner
- Togus
- Tory Hill
- Trainor Corner
- Trefethen
- Troy Center
- Twelve Corners
- Waites Landing
- Waverley
- Webster Corner
- West Appleton
- West Bowdoin
- West Brooklin
- West Charleston
- West Corinth
- West Ellsworth
- West End
- West Falmouth Center
- West Franklim
- West Gray
- West Harrington
- West Hollis
- West Jonesport
- West Levant
- West Old Town
- West Penobscot
- West Pownal
- West Surry
- West Trenton
- West Washington
- West Winterport
- White Rock
- Wilson Corner
- Winkumpaugh Corners
- Winthrop Center
- Woodfords
- Woodfords Corner
- Woodmans Mills
- Central Maine
- Yarmouth Junction
- Brunswick Station
What can helical piers be used for?
Helical piles (piers) are an anchoring solution capable of supporting the heaviest loads, and can be installed in all types of soils no matter what the environmental challenges.
Our products are designed to solidly support residential, commercial, industrial, and municipal projects.
What are the GoliathTech advantages?
Minimal impact to the landscape
Start building immediately after installation
Perfectly level structure
Year-round installation
No excavation
Removable and reusable
A helical pier installation: quick and easy!
While construction projects usually leave you tired, frustrated, and counting down the days, with GoliathTech’s help, you’ll find yourself at ease. The expertise of our certified installers, combined with the cutting-edge technology used by our team, allows us to gather and then calculate all the information that we need for the project’s success; and ultimately, to leave you with a project that you’ve only imagined in your dreams.
Steps 2 and 3 is where the helical pile (pier) installation occurs
Types of applications: a helical pier foundation for incomparable anchorage
From deck to home foundations, our helical pile (pier) system is the best foundation solution for you.
No matter what your project is…
GoliathTech helical piers are ready
In order to provide you with a helical pier (pile) foundation solution that’s designed to meet your needs and specific project, our network of certified installers and consultants make the most of their vast expertise in the field. Recognized for their know-how, they conform helical piles (piers) to meet the unique nature of your property and project, rather than offering you a solution... cast in concrete!